
It is our belief that high levels of absence will limit the ability of pupils to make the progress they are capable of and that high attendance will lead to an increase in progress. For this reason, our expected level of attendance is 100%. Children are therefore expected to attend school each day unless they are unwell or in exceptional circumstances, authorised by the Head Teacher.

Under section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996, parents have a duty to ensure that their children receive an appropriate education. Parents who have chosen to send their children to Upton St Leonards C of E Primary School are asked to sign a Home School Agreement, indicating they will do their best to ensure their children attend school regularly and on time.

High levels of attendance are celebrated at our school. Class Attendance Awards are given weekly and individual pupil Attendance Awards are given on a termly basis (3 times a year). 

The school may also recognise children whose attendance would be at 100% were it not for known legitimate absence such as attending a medical appointment, funeral or following a period of illness.

As our expected level of attendance is 100%, only the Head Teacher can authorise absence. To do this a reason for the absence is required, for example, illness or a family funeral. If parents feel there are other genuine reasons to request a child’s absence, this must be put in writing to the Head Teacher using a generic 'absence request form' which can be found in our policy below, or collected from the school office. Once received, the Head Teacher will make a decision regarding the request dependent on the circumstance, the child’s attendance and the child’s academic levels. This decision will be made following consultation with the school ‘attendance panel’, comprising at least one member of the governing body and members of the Senior Leadership Team.

The school will not authorise holidays in term time. For more information about the changes in holiday fines, please see the leaflet below;

Holidays in Term Time Information

Further information can be found in our Attendance policy below;

Attendance Policy