Our Governors

The School Governors delegate the daily management of the school to the Head Teacher, but they are ultimately responsible for the effective and efficient running of the school.

They meet regularly and are involved in decisions about the curriculum, the budget, the recruitment and selection of staff, the maintenance and improvement of the premises and also discipline.

The Governing Board has three main responsibilities

  • To ensure there is clarity of vision and strategic direction for the school
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of the staff: and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school making sure its money is well spent

The Governing Board will be made up of the following

  • Local Authority Governors are nominated by the local Authority but appointed by the Governing Board.
  • Co-Opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Board, their term of office is 3 years.
  • Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school.
  • Foundation Governors are appointed by Gloucester Diocesan Board of Education after consultation with the Upton St Leonards Parochial Church Council.
  • The Head Teacher is a member of the Governing Board by virtue of their office.
  • Staff Governors are elected by the school staff.
  • Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Board, they are NOT Governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed. 

Full Governing Body meetings are held at least 5 times a term (FGB Attendance Record) The approved minutes are held in the school office and available for anyone who wishes to read them. We also have a Pay & Personnel Committee (Pay & Personnel Committee Attendance Record) a Finance & Resources Commitee (Finance & Resources Attendance Record), and ETHOS committe (ETHOS Committee Attendance Record) who report to the Full Governing Body.

The Governing Body is as follows 

Attendance Data

Chair of Governors Mr N Eley Local Authority Governor - Safeguarding Governor - Chair of Pay & Personnel Committee - Chair of Curriculum Committee -Appointed 20/01/2022 - Term of Office 3 Years - Declarations of Interest - NONE
Vice Chair of Governors Mr T Smith Co-opted Governor - Chair of Finance & Resources Committee - Appointed 06/12/2021 - Term of Office 3 Years - Declarations of Interest - NONE
Co-opted Governor  Mrs S Milburn Appointed 14/07/2023 - Term of Office 3 Years --- Declarations of Interest - A paid member of staff.
Co-opted Governor Ms Anona Bayross Appointed 16/05/2022 - Term of Office 3 Years - Declarations of Interest - NONE
Foundation Governor Mrs H Wilkes Pay and Personnel Committee member; ETHOS Committee member - Appointed 01/02/2023  - Term of office 4 Years --- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Parent Governor Mr R Gleed Pay and Personnel Committee - Appointed 22/11/22  - Term of office 4 Years --- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Co-Opted Governor Mrs C Eccles Pay and Personnel Committe member - Appointed 03/05/2023  - Term of office 3 Years --- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Parent Governor Mrs R Clement Elected/Appointed 01/03/2024 - Term of office 4 Years --- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Co-Opted Governor Mr S Bircher  Finance & Resources Committee - Appointed 01/04/2022 --- Declarations of Interest NONE
Foundation Governor Mrs G Howell Appointed by Gloucester Diocesan Board of Education - Pay and Personnel Committee Member; ETHOS Committee Member - Appointed 01/09/2018 - Term of Office 4 Years --- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Co-Opted Member Mr D Wiggall Finance & Resources Committee member - Appointed 28/03/2022 - Term of Office 3 Years - Declarations of Interest - NONE
Ex Officio Mrs S Broadbent Headteacher, Staff Governor - A Member of all committees as Ex Officio - Declarations of Interest - NONE
Staff Governor Mrs G Baish Curriculum Committee Member - Appointed 20/10/2022  - Term of Office 4 Years --- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Associate Member Mr A Lewis Member of all Committees - Appointed 21/07/2020 - Deputy Headteacher- Declarations of Interest - NONE
Associate Member Mrs E Naylor Finance & Resources & Pay and Personnel Committee Member - School Business Manager, - Declarations of Interest - NONE
Clerk to Governors Mrs M Reynolds Clerk to Governors