School Council
We are a group of children representing our classes from Year 2 to Year 6.
Children from Year 1 will join our school council during the Summer Term.
As a School Council, we have written our own mission statement:
Mission Statement
- We want to make life at school even better than it already is.
- We make decisions and plan actions that include everybody.
- We listen to the thoughts and views of children and adults in our school.
- We will vote on matters with fairness and respect.
- We work together and communicate together.
- We think about whether our actions have been successful.
- Our School Vision and Core Values guide us because inclusion, diversity and love are at the heart of our school community.
Our aim is to ensure that all pupils have a voice and that we have a welcoming, safe, inclusive and inspiring learning environment.
Meet the school council
School Council Work
- We work with school leaders and managers to bring about change
- We help to develop and maintain our school gardens, grounds and environment
- We help to implement changes to our lunchtimes
- We help to raise money for local, national and international charities
- We help to teach other children about the five British Values
This is what we have been doing this year in school council meetings
- Charities - we discussed which charities we would like to support this year as a school council
We have also..
- We have discussed lunchtimes in our meeting and asked our classes about how we could improve them
- We have worked with the Eco council on creating a new zone for lunchtime
- We have discussed British Values and what the children in our classes are saying about the values
- We have taken part in a community activitiy, where we prepared a Christmas tree for our local church