School Opening Hours

Our School Day

Our school day is slightly different for Key Stage 1 (Reception, Y1, Y2) and Key Stage 2 (Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6).

Key Stage 1

8:40-8:50 Soft Start (children are walked by their parents/carers to the external classroom door)

8:50am Lessons Start

3:10pm School Day Ends

Key Stage 2

8:45 Whistle is blown on main playground (children independently walk to class ready to be seated for 8:50am)

8:50am Lessons Start

3:20pm School Day Ends

The total school hours in a week equate to 32.5, equivalent to 6.5 hours a day, Monday to Friday.

Our school gates open just before 8:40am.

Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are encouraged to enter school using the right-hand green gate as you look at the school, and children are dropped at their classroom door between 8:40 and 8:45am by parents swiftly, with parents then following a one-way system to leave via the Dirty Lane exit, or wait with their Key Stage 2 child on the playground. Swift drop off is essential; our policy is that teachers do not speak with parents in the mornings when they are responsible for the safeguarding and learning of pupils. If you would like to communicate with your child’s class teacher, we ask that you email the year group email, or wait to speak with the teacher at the end of the school day.

For Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6), parents/carers and children are encouraged to enter school using the left-hand green gate as you look at the school (unless they have a pushchair or are dropping a Key Stage 1 child off first), to access the school playground, where children should wait with parents until the whistle is blown at 8:45am. Parents/Carers are then to leave via the Dirty Lane exit.

Collection at the end of the school dayis via the external classroom doors. 

Typical Day 

The document below shows what a typical day looks like for each year group. Each class always completes at least two foundation subjects per day (typically in the afternoon) to ensure all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum.

2023-24 School Timetable